18 October 2011

Timber Bars and YOU - eliminating failures and increase your profitability

As we all know, timber is an excellent material for windows - it's strong, sustainable, easy to work with and lets face it. beautiful to look at. However, this is not to say it doesn't have its problems. Being the natural product that is is, timber can expand or shrink and even warp and twist due to the environment in which it's placed - nothing is as easy as it seems! What you ultimately don't want, is for your Georgian Bars to fail, resulting in costly call-outs and reworking charges.

So, How much do failure really cost you?

I know what you're all thinking! it's alot! but have you ever sat down and taken into consideration just how much every failure is really costing you - here we find out:

Every failure will ultimately result in a site visit, probably for one of your more experienced people and possibly even you. It takes time to repair bars on site as they have to be carefully prised off, cleaned of any adhesive residue, re-taped and then finally accurately re-applied and lets face it, none of us have much spare time to be spent on, reworking a job already previously completed.
As we are all aware, time is money: and the time that you're wasting could, and should, be spent more productively making and selling your windows. There is also the added costs of fuel, wear and tear on your transport and the additional cost of materials.
Not only is it physical 'cash in the bank' costings, it also has a huge reflection on your reputation. It can only damage long-standing relationships and break down ones that were just starting, and we all know that there a million and one other companies out there ready to steal dissatisfied customers. New windows are a huge investment and customers are becoming more demanding all the time. Problems with the bars can spoil all the hard work and time spent designing, making and promoting your windows.

Now do you see just how much it costs you? I thought so, now read on!

Is there a solution?

We have it and it's not just about the tape you may be surprised to hear, but obviously the tape plays an extremely important part. Half the trouble people have is deciding what tape to use, they do all look similar right? Well, our tapes use the highest performance cross-linked acrylic adhesives and have various technical uses.
They are used for attaching badged and mouldings to cars, under bonnets to withstand heat, vibration and oil: outside they have to put up rain, salt, desert and arctic temperatures. Our tapes bond the roofs on to commercial vehicles, used for large external signs, bonding and sealing conservatory roofs, and of course they are used to bonding Georgian bars to windows and have been for over 10 years, and to put it  bluntly, they work.

So what do you need to know about us then? Well, we have published our findings and recommendations in a new report that is available free to window manufacturers with absolutely no obligation. This report will tell you:
  • About timber and why it can cause problems
  • About paint systems and what to look out for
  • The importance of accurate cutting, with examples of good and bad practice
  • Yhe best tape systems; different tapes for factory and on-site application
  • About glass cleaning and how it can make matters worse
  • How to apply bars quickly and accurately to save time and mistakes
What have you got to lose! Contact us now on: 01628 642800 or at sales@technibond.co.uk and request our 6 Point Guide.

This could well and truly improve your products and reducing your costs! Do it now!

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